
Photo by Gili Getz


Whether you are considering leaving, already out for a number of years, or somewhere in between, Footsteps has tools, resources, and programming to help you figure out your next steps.

The choice to leave an ultra-Orthodox community is not an easy one.

No one else can make the decision for you. At Footsteps, we offer unconditional support without an agenda. 

Our members come to Footsteps at various stages in their transition out of ultra-Orthodox communities. People who arrive at Footsteps may be:

  • questioning the tenets of ultra-Orthodoxy;
  • opposed to entering into an arranged marriage;
  • already married with children;
  • seeking a secular education;
  • out of the community but looking to connect with others like themselves.


Footsteps offers a safe, confidential environment to discuss your situation and the potential consequences you may face — whether you decide to stay in the community or to leave. Our team provides support and resources while our members can offer you insights into the transition process from their own journey.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about what Footsteps has to offer your exploration or are ready to participate in Footsteps, please call us at 877-STEPS-55 (877-783-7755), send a confidential message using the form below, or email us directly at [email protected] to arrange a time to speak with a staff member. 

Meeting with staff does not obligate you to join. You can expect a response within 72 hours.


Too often, people are made to fear leaving their communities and what life will be like in the outside world. If you have questions, this is the place to look first. Check out what people ask us most often to find your answer.


If you’re looking for more information about what Footsteps offers before you reach out, click below.


Our members are proof that choosing your own path in life is difficult and can lead to tremendous self-fulfillment.


The transition from ultra-Orthodox life to secular society can be daunting. If you become a member, you’ll have access to:


Our one-on-one counseling services offer personalized support, while our peer support programs give members the chance to learn about the larger world and make supportive connections.


Do you dream about getting your HSE (high school equivalency) exam or going to college? Footsteps can help.


Our career programs are designed to help members seeking internships and jobs build careers in the secular world.


Navigating the legal system while transitioning out of the ultra-Orthodox community can be overwhelming. We help families through processes of divorce, custody, and more.

Annual events & celebrations

Footsteps offers many different opportunities to connect with fellow travelers, including: holiday and milestone celebrations, social events, cultural experiences, as well as funding to host your own.

Referrals to other support

We are not a mental health agency, but we’re well-connected to organizations that can help you. We’ll put you in touch with experts we trust.

Our Confidentiality Policy

Footsteps takes the confidentiality of our members very seriously. All staff, members, and volunteers sign a confidentiality form that outlines our policy.

Specifically, members, staff, and volunteers agree not to:

  • give the names of Footsteps members or their contact information to anyone without their permission;
  • discuss conversations had at Footsteps that could reveal the identity of another Footsteps member;
  • take photographs, video, or audio recordings at Footsteps without explicit permission from staff.

View our member safety policies here.