
Family Justice Initiative

Parents maintain the legal right and responsibility to parent their children, while pursuing a self-determined life outside of ultra-Orthodoxy. Footsteps’ family justice programming supports this right and works to preserve the relationship between parents and children. 

Please contact [email protected] or (877) STEPS-55 (877-783-7755) for more information about our family justice services, or to join as a member.

Navigating the legal system while transitioning out of the ultra-Orthodox community can be overwhelming. We help families through processes of divorce, custody, and more, including: access to legal representation, individual counseling for emotional impacts of divorce and custody proceedings, and peer support groups. 


Referrals to legal counseling: Footsteps offers referrals to pro-bono, low-bono counseling or attorneys, as well as other legal services as needed with external partners for eligible members.

Strategic Support

  • Case management: Footsteps staff is available to meet with members to provide family justice case management, including  information about the separation or divorce process and to connect you with other resources.
  • Legal reform strategizing: Footsteps staff is working to solve systemic issues in the legal system that affect members.

Legal Education

  • A published legal manual: This informational handbook created by Footsteps staff, members, and supporters is designed for individuals to better understand the divorce and custody process and its potential ramifications.
  • Support groups: The Footsteps Parenting Group is a weekly peer support group for parents navigating their current realities and difficulties of caring for children while transitioning into a new life, custody and visitation issues, estrangement, and beyond. 
  • Legal education programming: Footsteps staff and legal partners will participate in webinars and events to educate both members and the general public about relevant topics in the field of family justice law. 
  • Education and mentoring to legal firms: Footsteps staff strategize with attorneys representing Footsteps members in custody or divorce proceedings and a range of legal matters.

for lawyers:

Thank you for your interest in Footsteps! 

If you are interested in volunteering, or able to provide low-bono or pro-bono legal services please contact [email protected].

Please find the below resources available about our members’ experiences in divorce and custody: 

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